Thursday 13 October 2016

God's Commandments- an elixir of Life

We have several questions about life, viz. should man and woman have equal rights? how to put an end to corruption? how to end hostile relationship between the nations? how to put an end to terrorism? etc.

The only perfect solution to all the complexities of life is- 'God's commandments'.

God's commandment is the backbone and foundation of our life. God's commandment acts as a salt1 to our life. It corrects the crookedness2 of our life.

Away from God, we become vulnerable to every kind of evil3. Our life becomes warped- every natural desire and feeling gets  significantly distorted. we live a faithless and lawless life- when we live according to our whims and natural inclinations. Consequently, we create a mess of our life and increase the complexities in our life.

God's commandment simplifies our life; it clears all confusion and mess of our life and brings back everything in right order.

But you may ask- how?

In this regard the Holy scripture says: "taste4 and see, that the Lord is good."[Psalm34:8]

1. adds flavor.

2.wrong attitudes; wrong ways of living; wrong perspectives.

3. perversion; unfaithfulness and immorality.

4. practice God's commandments in our daily life.

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